
Maridl Innerhofer

Teacher Franz was simply a fine fellow
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
I can only tell you what I was told, about my father, partly by my mother, partly by other people, by his students. Teacher Franz was simply a fine fellow. First of all, I often wonder how he managed his time. He was a teacher, he had a family, he was choirmaster, and organist. In the new bank, of which my grandfather was one of the founders - the Raiffeisenkassa - he was paymaster. He probably did his hours of accounting on Sunday mornings, after church. He was a beekeeper and taught the farmhands how to prune and work trees. He did the bookkeeping for one farmer's export business. What else did he do? I guess that's quite enough. Oh, right, he played the drum in the village band. Drummer. That�s why he was in Bozen. He was at the back of the band with his student who was with him, Hans Teiner. Before leaving he went to the boy's parents at the Strasserhof and asked if he could take Hansl Teiner with him to pull the organ, to pull the drum.